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31 years of Peace and Harmony Leonie Kuehl

31 years of Peace and Harmony

Everyone who visited Civil Lines last Saturday, might have seen colorful balloons emblazing the sky. And they may have wondered for what occasion- it was India Peace Centre’s 31 anniversary celebrated with a lot of zeal and effort. 

India Peace Centre- a place that always showed how to live peace in diversity celebrated 31 years of programs starting from peace education trainings over human rights  issues to environmental concerns. These achievements towards a peaceful society, were jointly celebrated with more than 160 people on 7th of December. 

The program was accompanied by a various entertainment program that included poems, gazal  singing and interesting stories and experiences connected to India Peace Centre, shared by the core group members.  The audience participated lively by clapping, laughing and enjoying a peaceful get together. 

The beauty of the evening was underlined by everyone sharing their ideas of peace with each other. No matter of their personal background, every person could experience a peaceful and safe environment regarding their personal religion, beliefs and values. 

Seperate from the celebrations, it was also important to address current political issues and to remind of events that are disturbing the idea of peace. Such as the cruel crimes that women are facing all over the country. India Peace Centre and the whole present community lit candles together and stood in a minute of silence, apologizing for men’s behaviour and praying for justice with a simple “Amen” that could be shared by every religion. 

The evening was rounded down by a delicious meal, that gave room for discussions, laughter and also laid back conversations. All in all it was a great party, that really embraced the idea of living a culture of peace in diversity.