In observance of Mahatma Gandhi’s 150th birth anniversary on 2nd. of October, India Peace Centre organised a panel discussion on “Gandhi and India Today”.

Ms Pratishruti Singh Agrawal, who did her masters in “Gandhian Thoughts” shared her views on Gandhi: Gandhi is a mentality and his values and beliefs are still living on today. Especially his Eco- Criticism and his regards on peace and non- violent protest are still important and current.
Having read all holy books of not only Hindu religion, but also muslim and christian community etc. it was one of Gandhis passions to unite Hinduism and Islam, according to Mrs. Pratishruti.
Modern India is still influenced by Bapu’s works and will always be, because even though, Gandhi has passed away, his works are living on.
After Mrs. Pratishruti, Dr. Suresh Khainar shared his thoughts on the topic.

Dr. Yugal flagged, that society can, most importantly, learn from Gandhi that everybody’s life is a meaning. We should try to give it a good meaning by believing in secularism, trying to understand each others pain and connecting to each other.

“Gandhi started with 27 people, and in the end he was followed by thousands”, Dr. Yugal stated.
In the end, the discussion was opened for the audience as well.
All in all, the programme ended successfully and India Peace Centre could give tribute to Gandhi by actualising Gandhiji’s thoughts.